Monday, May 13, 2013

Everything He Said.

When you fall in love, you think "I better be careful."
And then you trust, with all of your heart.
You give that person everything you have.
You let them see you, inside and out.
You give your mind, body, and soul to them.

And that's the only part you have control over.
You can only control how you love, but not how the other person loves you.

And when you fall out of love, you sometimes realize that the trust you gave was broken.
You learn that they can break your trust and your heart oh so easily.
You see them, inside and out, except this time it isn't in a good way.
You see that maybe, you shouldn't have given everything to them.
You get your mind, body, and soul back. Except they're all shattered, and will never be fully repaired.

Everything he said he wouldn't do, he wouldn't be, is happening.
He always said we would be best friends.
He always said I could run to him when I was broken, that he would fix it.
He always said that I could trust him.
He always told me that we would be together, Now and Forever.

Even in the end, he told me he still meant it all.

But now what?
Now where is he?

He doesn't talk to me anymore.
He isn't there for me to run to.
He completely broke every ounce of trust that I ever had in him.
And we are not together.

I am left here.
Alone and broken.
Because everything that he said he wouldn't do, he did.